Tinnitus Relief - Manage the Noise
25.00 $
Published date: 2024/01/17
- Location: 22943, Dennis, West Virginia, United States
Noise management is a major portion of most tinnitus relief programs so you need to know how to include it in your own tinnitus relief therapy.
The best way I know to describe it is giving you a real example of natural noise management.
Bear with me for Read more a couple of minutes.
When I was a boy around 5 years old the father of mine got the latest job which meant that the family relocated to a home long distances away from in which we lived.
It had become a great building however, I suppose my parents must have seen it on a quiet day because within minutes of going in I remember being terrified by the interference of a steam locomotive rushing past the end of the garden of ours about 50 feet from the rear door. This was the main line to the city and also trains hurtled past every few minutes.
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